OEE Calculator

An easy-to-use online OEE calculator that includes the formulas for availability, quality, performance and OEE. Easily calculate OEE and improve performance in your Industry.

What is OEE?

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a key performance indicator used to measure the efficiency and productivity of a manufacturing process. It provides valuable insights into how well equipment is performing in terms of availability, performance, and quality. OEE is expressed as a percentage, with higher percentages indicating better overall equipment effectiveness.

Components of OEE

Availability: This component measures the percentage of time that equipment is available for production. Downtime, whether due to breakdowns or scheduled maintenance, impacts availability.
Performance: Performance looks at the actual production speed compared to the maximum possible speed of the equipment. Factors like slowdowns, idling, or other inefficiencies contribute to performance losses.
Quality: Quality measures the percentage of good-quality products produced in relation to the total output. Defects, rework, or scrap can affect the quality component of OEE.

How to Calculate OEE?

The Three Components of OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) Calculation. OEE is a pivotal metric in manufacturing, measuring the effectiveness of equipment. It monitors how much time is productive and where to make improvements. To calculate the OEE formula, you must multiply OEE’s 3 components: Availability, performance, and quality. For an OEE calculation, you need these 3 formulas:

Availability = Run Time / Planned Production Time
Performance = (Ideal Cycle Time x Total Count) / Run Time
Quality = Good Count / Total Count) OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality

The Importance of OEE:

Optimizing Production Efficiency: OEE provides a holistic view of how efficiently equipment is operating. By identifying and addressing issues related to availability, performance, and quality, businesses can optimize their production processes for maximum efficiency.
Reducing Downtime: OEE helps in pinpointing the causes of downtime, allowing for proactive measures to minimize disruptions. This can include predictive maintenance, quick troubleshooting, and strategic scheduling of maintenance activities.
Improving Overall Equipment Performance: By focusing on each component of OEE, organizations can work towards improving the performance of their equipment. This leads to increased throughput, reduced cycle times, and better utilization of resources.
Enhancing Product Quality: OEE's quality component ensures a focus on producing high-quality goods. This is essential for customer satisfaction, as well as reducing waste and rework costs.
Strategic Decision-Making: OEE data empowers decision-makers with actionable insights. Real-time monitoring and historical analysis enable organizations to make informed decisions about equipment upgrades, process optimizations, and resource allocation.

Availability – OEE Calculation

availability bar

Availability is essentially the time that your machines are actually working, as a percentage of scheduled working time.

To find equipment/machine availability, divide the working time by the total scheduled time for that period. Then, multiply the result by 100 to show it as a percentage.

availability formula

Performance – OEE Calculation

performance bar

To calculate performance, you need to find out how many products you produce, and how it compares to the number of products that you could produce at maximum speed during your actual (not all scheduled, but actual) working time.

The formula of the Performance component of OEE is:

performance formula

How do you find out your maximum production speed?

Sometimes, the manufacturer of the machine specifies it (it might also be called “nameplate” or “ideal cycle time”). If not, you can identify the fastest recorded time. Firstly, look at the machines’ performance history. Next, calculate how many products you would make if your machine ran at that speed.

If you don’t have this data, we highly recommend implementing an OEE system that does these calculations for you and gives you the data you need to manage OEE effectively.

Quality – OEE Calculation

quality bar

Simply put, quality shows the portion of good products among all products.

The formula for Quality is:

quality formula

OEE Calculation

If you multiply all OEE Components with each other, you will get the OEE value.

OEE Formula
Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and answers about OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a key performance indicator used to assess and improve the efficiency of manufacturing processes. It combines three factors – Availability, Performance, and Quality – to provide a comprehensive view of equipment performance. By analyzing OEE, businesses can identify and address factors causing downtime, performance losses, and defects, ultimately leading to enhanced overall efficiency.

In the era of Industry 4.0, characterized by the integration of digital technologies into manufacturing, OEE plays a pivotal role. OEE aligns with the principles of smart manufacturing, providing real-time insights into production processes. With Industry 4.0 technologies like IoT and data analytics, OEE data becomes actionable, enabling predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, and continuous improvement, driving manufacturing efficiency to new heights.

Implementing OEE brings a myriad of benefits to manufacturing operations. It helps in identifying and eliminating sources of inefficiency, reducing downtime, improving overall equipment performance, and enhancing product quality. OEE empowers decision-makers with data-driven insights, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and enabling proactive management of production processes.

The OEE monitoring dashboard is a comprehensive tool that offers a wealth of performance metrics. It includes real-time values, production details, run time, idle time, and off time. Additionally, it may provide insights into machine utilization, cycle time, and overall equipment effectiveness, offering a holistic view of the production environment to facilitate informed decision-making.

Absolutely. OEE is a versatile metric applicable to a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, automotive, food and beverage, and more. It provides a standardized way to evaluate and improve efficiency, making it universally valuable across diverse manufacturing environments.

The shiftwise dashboard enhances production management by providing granular insights into performance variations during different shifts. It allows for a detailed analysis of production efficiency, downtime patterns, and performance trends across shifts. This information is invaluable for optimizing shift schedules, identifying training needs, and implementing targeted improvements to maximize overall productivity.

Yes, our OEE dashboard offers versatile timeframes, allowing users to analyze data on a shiftwise, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Additionally, a customizable date range feature through a datepicker empowers users to set specific shifts, days, or weeks for a more detailed and personalized analysis of production performance.

OEE is instrumental in minimizing downtime by identifying the root causes of interruptions in production processes. Through detailed analysis of availability and performance metrics, OEE facilitates proactive maintenance, reducing unplanned downtime. Moreover, by optimizing performance and quality, OEE contributes to maximizing machine utilization, ensuring that manufacturing assets operate at their full potential, driving efficiency and profitability.

Explore the user-friendliness of our OEE monitoring dashboard, emphasizing its intuitive interface tailored for industry professionals. Highlight features that enhance the user experience, such as seamless navigation, interactive visualizations, and the ability to effortlessly access shiftwise, daily, weekly, and monthly data through the datepicker functionality.